5 mental keys to supplement success

by for the Ageless Team December 05, 2024

5 mental keys to supplement success

Following our discussion on the 5 physical keys to supplement success, we now turn to the mental and social aspects essential for enhancing the benefits of supplements like CBD and bioregulators.

These insights, gathered from the experiences of our family, customers, and network of practitioners, highlight the power of mindful living.

Understanding these mental keys is just the start; real transformation happens when we put them into practice daily.

Here's how you can begin this journey to improve your mental wellbeing and make the most of your supplements:

1. To truly take care, get to know yourself

Self-care isn’t just about thinking: it’s about feeling, connecting with your body, and tuning into your inner self.

Green human eyeTake time to notice your emotions and how your body feels. Explore what sparks creativity and gives you a sense of purpose. Self-care also means connecting with your spirit, whatever that means for you, and finding what truly nurtures you.

When you feel poorly, understanding why may involve seeking advice or support from others, but the focus can stay on understanding and balancing your own needs.

Taking responsibility for your own wellbeing, a pillar of self-sovereignty, can transform your life. It helps you stay calm under pressure, bounce back from challenges, and feel more grounded in who you are. Genuine care isn’t just in your head; it’s in how you live, feel, and act every hour.

Tools for self-discovery

Spending time alone or "me time" is vital. Short, regular periods of introspection and mindfulness can be more impactful than long sessions.

Boy contemplating in sunFor instance, consider practising 5-minute intervals of deep breathing, meditation, and reflection 5 times per day instead of having a 30-minute meditation session once a day.

This simple practice, suggested by our friend clinical hypnotherapist Dr John Butler, can lead to profound internal changes. Think of it as a mental refresh, clearing clutter and bringing clarity.

Learn simple and effective meditation techniques from teachers like Peter Russell or Thich Nhat Hanh, or use guided sessions from practitioners like Tara Brach.

Another key practice is listening deeply. Engage with your subconscious, paying attention to your dreams and intuition.

Connect with metaphors in art and nature, as this appreciation can provide insights beyond conventional thinking.

Eduardo, musician and documentary filmmaker who introduced our family to the magic of CBD back in the early 2010s, is part of Earth Echo's collective:

"You don't need to travel far to experience a 360° soundbath of music and nature. Simply put on your headphones and close your eyes somewhere comfy for an immersive sound journey." 

Remember, the answers you seek often lie within and by allowing space, they emerge naturally, without “thinking”.

Identify existing imbalances to harmonise

Health issues often signal imbalances that need attention. Viewing these as opportunities for growth can lead to greater happiness and meaning.

Rather than just accepting somebody’s opinions and prescriptions, seek second opinions, research topics from different angles, and make informed choices. Gill wisely advises,

"Always do your own research."

Asking for help - talking over cuppa

This proactive approach keeps you open to possibilities and empowers you to improve more and more.

Natural supplements can help restore balance or provide essential nutrients when there is a deficiency. Explore our "Goals" menu for supplements that support various health objectives, from immune support to metabolic balance.

Support is available—whether from a practitioner or someone to guide you, help is there if you seek it.

When our family faced a life-or-death situation over a decade ago, our path to health was illuminated by people who had gone through a similar journey, like Beata Bishop and Kathryn Alexander, or practitioners like Hilda Solomons and Dr. Rafael LaFuente.

Key takeaway:

Make it your life. Lead the way, not as a passenger or a victim, but as the one in charge of your own journey. Don’t wait for someone else to fix things or for luck to step in; actual change starts with you. When you take that first step, everything begins to fall into place, supporting your transformation.

Life isn’t meant to be spent entirely in your head. To grow your awareness, connect with every part of yourself. Feel with your heart, engage your senses, think with your mind’s eye, and reach beyond with your spirit. Answers often lie within; allow space for them to surface naturally.

Create an inner framework (a way to make sense of your experiences) that works for you - one you can trust and follow, one that brings balance and meaning to your life. This is how you create a life that feels truly your own.

2. To evolve, step beyond your comfort zone

Actual growth happens when you stretch yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally beyond what feels easy or familiar.

Man in cold water splashes

When life feels stable, it’s the perfect time to challenge yourself. Take small steps to push your boundaries. Dr. Marios Kyriasis highlights the power of hormesis, the idea that small stressors can strengthen resilience.

“Every day, just for a few minutes, go where you wouldn’t normally go. These small challenges act as positive stressors for the body and mind.”

Try something you’ve always hesitated to do or dedicate just a few minutes each day to learning a new skill, like baking, playing chess, or writing. Explore places or activities beyond your usual routine. These little challenges encourage your body and mind to adapt and thrive.

Physically, you can experiment with techniques like cryotherapy. It doesn’t have to be extreme: simply end your warm shower with 10 seconds of cold water and gradually increase this to 30 seconds and more day after day. These minor shifts in your environment build flexibility and inner strength over time.

Tools for growth

Girls upside down on bed

Switching between different styles of thinking keeps your mind sharp and adaptable.


  • Critical thinking to challenge common beliefs.
  • Creative thinking to explore out-of-the-box solutions.
  • Reflective thinking to learn from experiences, especially unexpected ones.
  • Applied thinking to test new ideas in the real world and see what works.

Set a timer to focus on each mode of thinking for a few minutes each day. Switching between is fun and sparks surprising opportunities.

Our co-founder Daniel Perez Vidal, reflecting on his experience as a university professor, says:

“The essence of learning is challenging ourselves with curiosity and joy. It keeps your mind open and flexible, inspiring you to seize the day.”

For example, creative exercises like handwriting, playing games or sports, and engaging in the arts can also open doors to inspiration and new perspectives.

Some of these take no effort:

An open attitude fuels growth far more than talent alone. With a mindset of curiosity and initiative, even modest talent can achieve remarkable results.

Daydreaming is a powerful tool to engage your imagination, embrace change, and expand your sense of what’s possible. When you close your eyes and see scenarios in your mind’s eye, you give your subconscious space to express itself and expand your horizons.

Seniors ceramics class

Engaging all senses - sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch - boosts mindfulness and an appreciation of your perception, your body and your surroundings.

Art therapy uses creative expression to engage the senses and active imagination is a method that allows you to explore your unconscious through sensory-rich visualisation.

Meeting new people opens doors to fresh perspectives and new friendships, enriching your social circle and support network. It is a space where you can grow alongside others while keeping your perspective open and engaged.

Step outside your routine: join a local group, take a class, or volunteer. It’s a great way to meet interesting people who can inspire you to see the world in new ways.

Key takeaway

Meaningful growth starts when you venture beyond your comfort zone: face challenges with courage, like an explorer discovering new horizons. As you do, your mind expands, your body thrives, and your spirit strengthens.

By engaging your mind, heart, and spirit, you begin to weave new experiences into your framework. This is how you grow into the best version of yourself, ready for whatever life brings.

3. To be free, become emotionally flexible

Emotional freedom comes from learning to navigate life’s ups and downs by being present and adaptable, rather than being swept away by them.

Wooden ship at sea

Life will always throw challenges your way, but by learning to accept what you cannot change and better managing how you respond, you can face adversity with clarity and resilience.

How we choose to perceive and react to our experiences shapes our inner world.

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” - John Milton

Think of emotions like a ship on the open sea. You wouldn’t let the waves take you wherever they please but steer the ship, accepting that the current may help or hinder. Emotional flexibility is about staying in command of your course while acknowledging life’s unpredictable nature.

Releasing fear and the need for control

In today’s world, stress often leads to poor choices and health issues. Stress is usually rooted in fear, and becoming aware of this fear is the first step toward managing it.

Another key tool is freeing yourself from compulsions like the need for control. The attachment to being in control often stems from fear or mistrust. By letting go of this focus on controlling everything, you open yourself up to the flow of life.

Moving from a mindset of control and expectation to one of acceptance allows you to flow with the ever-changing reality of life.

Accept what you can’t change, let emotions flow through you without resistance, and remain focused on solutions. Emotional flexibility transforms challenges into growth opportunities.

Tools for mental flexibility

Developing emotional flexibility requires two key tools: accessing the subconscious to shift perspectives and learning to relax your body at will. Together, these skills can transform how you respond to life’s challenges.

Releasing past and future blocks

Peaceful moment - pebbles in stream

Letting go of past regrets, freeing yourself from unhealthy attachments in the present, and releasing fear about the future all contribute to emotional flexibility. When you stop clinging to old patterns and expectations, you free yourself to respond to each moment as it comes.

Hypnotherapy or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can support emotional resilience by addressing past traumas, limiting beliefs, and unconscious fears. They help you break old patterns, foster new ways of responding to life’s challenges, and build greater emotional flexibility.

Once you realise that emotions are experiences, not something that defines you, you can shift your focus back to the present moment.

Body-mind connection

One powerful tool for emotional flexibility is being able to relax your body at will.

Hilary Jacobs Hendel’s Change Triangle is a simple yet profound way to connect with your feelings and understand how they manifest physically. By tuning into your body’s signals, you can process emotions effectively and prevent them from controlling your actions.

“It’s you having feelings rather than feelings having you.”

This approach encourages you to acknowledge your emotions without being overwhelmed, fostering a more balanced and thoughtful response.

There’s a lot you can do by yourself

There’s a lot you can do on your own: Coming back to the body can sometimes be enough to find balance, as emotions are often stored in the body.

Doing gardening

Simple activities like singing, gardening, walking, or taking a long relaxing bath can help shift your energy and release trapped emotions.

Yoga, pilates, meditation, and other body-mind exercises can help you become more grounded in your body and the present moment.

Sally has faced many health challenges and issues in her family environment, but her spiritual practice allows her to find peace and better physical health.

She records beautiful guided meditations filled with positive affirmations, which she posts for everyone to enjoy freely.

“Spirituality is my life without it I’d be nothing. From not knowing how to meditate, to having two meditation classes a day and really finding out the truth of who I am. I learned to look after the self, to nurture it. From being bedbound, using a wheelchair… it’s taken 6 years to get to where I am. Body, mind and spiritual growth are all one.”

Maria, who uses 50% CBD/CBG/CBC with hemp tea, has found somatics to be a simple and effective way to cope during panic attacks and PTSD episodes.

“These gentle, caring movements help me notice and embrace emotions peacefully. Everything becomes less overwhelming… it’s a quiet yes to being here now, it changes how I feel, it grounds me.”

Practices like Qi Gong, Tai Chi, tapping, and somatics can help release trapped energy and allow emotions to flow freely.

When our customers are more in tune with their bodies, they report better effects from CBD or hemp tea, helping them handle stress and stay calm during tough times.

Key takeaway

Emotional flexibility is the key to feeling free.

Life’s challenges will always come, but your ability to recognise, accept, respond, and grow through them is what elevates your spirit above any circumstances.

Body-based awareness and subconscious work help you create the mental flexibility needed to approach life's twists and turns with a sense of calm and clarity.

By embracing the flow of life, letting go of the need for control and practising acceptance, you create space for peace, resilience, and joy, no matter what life throws your way.

4. To feel love, participate in nurturing relationships

Who are you spending time with? Are these people who support you and whose journeys you support too?

Circle of friends having a meal

Genuine connection comes from shared values and mutual care. Focus on relationships built with intention, where both parties nurture and inspire one another. Solid and lasting bonds don’t happen by chance.

Is your inner circle truly connected? Are you committed to each other? Do you share common goals or projects? Does communication flow easily? If not, consider ways to strengthen those bonds.

Spiritual traditions show us how compassion heals and inspires. For example, the Buddhist practice of loving-kindness — gentle speech and deep listening — can improve relationships in a matter of minutes.

As our customer and friend John Campbell, author of Miracle Relationships, says:

“Whatever your individual experiences may have been, I encourage you to keep your belief in forgiveness, compassion and love. Let those three things be your guide as you journey through life.”

Beyond your close circle, cultivate a wider network of people who can support you and whom you can support in return. For us, creating such a network became a lifeline during a critical moment 15 years ago, bringing mutual strength and care.

Take special care of those who rely on you, especially children and vulnerable adults who can’t always make decisions for themselves.

Relationships have beginnings and endings, so nurture them while you can and let them go with gratitude when the time comes.

Tools for strengthening bonds

1. Better communication

Active listening helps you understand others without judgment, fostering trust and deeper connections. Speaking with kindness and a calm tone keeps conversations open and respectful.

Non-violent communication, a technique developed by Marshall Rosenberg, clarifies feelings and needs, reducing misunderstandings. For example, in conflict, use “I feel…” and “I need…” instead of “You always…” to shift from blame to constructive dialogue.

2. Quality time with loved ones

Spending quality time together, whether it's a meal, a walk, a road trip, or playing sports or a game, strengthens your relationships. Shared experiences and goals create unity.

Plan regular, distraction-free gatherings, even if it’s just 15 minutes. The key is being fully present, whether in conversation or activity. These moments build shared memories and authentic connections.

3. Kindness and gratitude

Couple embracing each other

Simple acts of kindness, like offering help or spending time together, create lasting connections. Gratitude shifts your mindset by focusing on joy, strengthening relationships with warm-heartedness and respect.

At for the Ageless, we view our products, whether CBD, botanicals, or supplements, not just as wellness tools but as opportunities to inspire self-care.

"A small gesture, like gifting hemp tea, is more than just sharing a healthy product: It’s a meaningful act that strengthens bonds and encourages others to embrace healthy habits."

Kindness and gratitude deepen connections. By sharing positivity and small acts of care, you create a ripple effect of joy and awareness.

Key takeaway

The quality of your relationships affects your wellbeing and sense of belonging.

Nurturing meaningful relationships involves giving and receiving love, support, acceptance, and space to grow. Be present, communicate openly, incorporate acts of kindness, and focus on gratitude daily.

Start today by investing in those who matter most, building stronger connections, and creating a support network that lifts you and others.

5. Fill your days with purpose and joy

Man looking at sea

Living with purpose starts with stepping beyond the roles or labels society assigns to us. You are more than a professional title or a social identity.

Purposeful living isn’t about following a script but creating your own.

To truly thrive, you ought to connect with your deeper self and relate to your environment with intention.

Each day, aim to act with freedom, meaning, and happiness in mind:

  • Freedom comes from making choices that reflect who you are.
  • Meaning arises when your actions align with your true values and needs.
  • Happiness follows when you feel fulfilled by the life you’re building.

We live in a world overloaded with information and material distractions. If you’re not mindful, it’s easy to lose focus. Protect your attention and energy by prioritising what truly matters.

Build an “inner garden”, a personal framework for understanding your experiences and staying true to your purpose. Without this, it’s easy to fall into patterns dictated by others, living reactively rather than intentionally standing your ground.

Ask yourself: What drives me? What are my deepest longings? What makes me feel alive?

Friends dancing together

When you reflect on these questions and answer them honestly, you start shaping a life that feels uniquely yours. This clarity guides your decisions and empowers you to rise above challenges.

Taking charge of your life requires balancing your critical mind with creativity, discipline with play, and reflection with action. Visualise your purpose, then take small and significant steps to bring it to life. This purpose will serve you, your community, and the wider world.

Joy is a shared purpose for all of us, found in the simplest moments: dancing, laughing, resting, or nurturing a relationship. Intimate connections and time spent in freedom and play aren’t luxuries but necessities for a fulfilling life.

Tools for meaningful living:

To be over to do: Transform your soul goals into actionable "to-be" steps, ensuring you stay aligned with your purpose. Replace endless to-do lists that prioritise secondary tasks with a focus on what truly matters to you today.

Affirmations: Reinforce your goals and values by repeating them aloud, writing them down, or using vision boards. These practices engage your subconscious, your most powerful ally in realising your dreams.

Visualisations: Envision your dreams as reality and reframe challenges in a positive light. By vividly imagining change, you activate the process of making it happen.

Key takeaway:

To live with purpose is to take charge of your journey. Carve out time for joy daily; don’t leave it for tomorrow. Embrace life fully today.

Be the creator of your life, not a follower of predetermined roles or patterns. As you explore your path, you’ll find freedom, meaning, and happiness for yourself and those around you.

How to keep ageless

You’re ageless when you know how to maintain balance and flexibility in your body, mind, and spirit.

As Sally says:

“As far as I’m concerned, what you put into your body will affect you in every way spiritually! What I’m eating and taking supplements-wise is absolutely essential to the quality of meditation I now experience. I can feel the difference in my spiritual practice and journey. They all complement each other like an orchestra, and quality, not quantity, is the key.”

Wellbeing is about finding opportunities throughout your day to nurture yourself and your relationships. Whether you take five minutes in the park to ground yourself, stretch, or breathe deeply, five minutes off for a quick meditation, or 15 minutes to make amends with a family member over a cup of tea, these small actions can bring lasting benefits.

You don’t need to change everything you’re doing at once. Start with just one or two changes and build from there. Over time, these practices will naturally become part of your daily life.

Feel free to share these insights with friends and family, and let us know how they help you. We’d love to hear your story and continue this journey together!

Ageless sunrise banner

for the Ageless Team
for the Ageless Team


A mighty team of natural health researchers led by Daniel Perez Vidal. We follow strict selection criteria and test everything we retail, from ground-breaking food supplements to natural skincare products. Our main area of expertise is CBD.

3 Responses

Ana Berzosa
Ana Berzosa

February 02, 2025

Impresionante artículo, me encanta como nos hace conectar con la esencia de la vida, reconectarnos con el ser y facilitarnos las maneras sencillas de hacerlo, rebosa altruismo, corazón y alma. Gracias, gracias, gracias!!!


February 02, 2025

This is such a great article.
It’s palpable the amount of experience and research that has been included in it. Thanks for sharing, great reminders and links.

Rosa Benattar
Rosa Benattar

February 02, 2025

Excellent tips and advises for a healthy and happy living 😁
Thank you 🙏

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