10 UK health & fitness blogs worth following

by for the Ageless Team April 22, 2019

10 UK Health Blogs Worth Following

Whether you live for fitness or are just looking to be a little healthier, finding the right motivation and advice can be crucial. These ten health and fitness bloggers use their stories to inspire and educate and we think they are the best in the UK.

Health and Fitness can be intimidating. It’s easy to think that it’s only for athletes and those who hang out in gyms. Blogging has made a difference to all that. It has brought real people to the forefront and made it accessible to everyone. If you visit your local park at the weekend you will see people from all walks of life, with every body type you can imagine, giving it their all to run faster than last time.

We have chosen some of the best health and fitness bloggers who do this well. They show that through their real struggles, successes and failures you can do it too.

Carly Rowena - Personal training with the mum next door

Carly Rowena“Small changes make big differences, you don’t always have to remove things from your life to lose weight... Anyone can succeed, if they really want it.

Carly Rowena is what happens when life meets fabulous! Life is never what you expect. It’s always hard work but you’ve got to style it out when you emerge from the other side.

That is what you get with Carly’s health and fitness blog. It’s real, it’s honest, sometimes it’s uncomfortable but you always leave knowing you have a friend. Carly gets it. She gets the struggles, she understands the spots and the stretch marks, and yet she also knows that health, fitness and fabulous can work together.

Image credit: carlyrowena.com

The Food Medic - Educate and inspire for better health

The Food Medic“I am passionate about maximising health through how we live our lives – including food, physical activity, sleep, stress management, and our social connections.”

For great plates of food that your body will thank you for getting over to Dr Hazel Wallace’s blog The Food Medic. She is ‘passionate about maximising health through how we live our life’. This is a sentiment that we couldn’t agree with more. Especially when it comes with recipes that will make your mouth water.

Hazel combines her expertise as a medical Dr, her passion for the latest in health and nutrition and a love of food. Living your best life is no longer about chaining up the fridge dragging yourself down the gym. It’s about having a full and vibrant life that, mouth-wateringly, starts on your plate.

Image credit: thefoodmedic.co.uk

Helsbels - Marathons and beyond

Helsbels“I like vintage style clothing a lot, I like drinking beer a lot, I love eating cake and I’m passionate about tenpin bowling.”

Bowling, beer and cake! This is the life of part mermaid Helen of Helsbels. She lives and she runs. With Helen nothing is diluted. You get the real picture.

Her blog documents her journey in health and fitness as she trains for and runs three marathons while finding time to be a mum, down a pint and scoff a slice of cake.

For those of you who think healthy means leaving the beer in the bar and the cake in the bakery think again. While most people would be worried about an upcoming marathon, she’s got you covered with the best places to eat afterwards!

Helen’s blog is as colourful and wonderful as her hair.

Image credit: helsbels.org.uk

The Fit Bits - Forever chasing endorphins

The Fit Bits“Basically, I found something I loved, and stuck with it. (I still love cake though, don’t worry).”

After ‘a thousand half-arsed attempts’ one finally stuck. Tess Langley quit smoking and soon picked up a running habit. Within three years she had was running the Brighton marathon with the complete belief that she could do anything she put her mind to.

She hasn’t stopped there. Any challenge she faces she takes it on and shows you that you can too. Our possibilities are endless and the opportunities are where we make them. Tess believes in herself and uses her determination and will to become a shining example of personal triumph. Check out The Fit Bits.

Image credit: thefitbits.com

The Fat Girls Guide to Running - Too Fat to Run

The Fat Girls Guide to Running“I’m not your typical runner though because I am Fat but hey let’s not get hung up on labels right now… If you run… you are a runner: Simple!"

Taking the first step in changing how you live your life and embracing a happier healthier you is terrifying. Particularly if you are overweight. This is how Julie Creffield felt when she finally went for it and signed up for her first marathon.

Her blog to keep her family informed of her progress soon acted as a rallying cry for other women struggling with their weight and wanting to make a change. The fat girls guide to running now leads a community of women who want to get active and change their lives.

The Fat Girls Guide to Running will show you just how amazingly resilient we can be as people and how much every one of us can achieve. If Julie can put up with everything that is thrown at her and keep running then so can we all.

Image credit: toofattorun.co.uk

Natural Born Feeder - Whole foods to live a whole life

Natural Born Feeder“My approach to cooking is simple: use whole foods to live a whole life.”

Roz Purcell loves to share her cooking with everyone. She believes in whole food for a whole life. There is so much more to life than meat and two vegetables. The culinary possibilities in our world are endless and Roz wants to give you the confidence and tools to get cooking. It doesn’t have to take ages for your meals to be packed full of flavour and goodness.

A bestselling cookery author, Roz has been propelled into the limelight by her passion for great food. Not only does she show us how to change our eating habits she demonstrated how to live out best lives and follow our passions. Check out Natural Born Feeder.

Image credit: naturalbornfeeder.com

Lazy Girl Running - Learn to love running and chase down your goals

Lazy Girl Running“Running was HARD. Everything hurt. Everything felt wrong. I managed just two minutes of running before I had to stop.”

Did you ever struggle around the track at high school and wish that the torture could be over? So many people think that they could never become a runner. Laura is a personal trainer and runner who can’t believe that she has gone from the back of the pack to running for her living.

Laura helps her readers redefine what they think it takes to be a runner. She careful takes them through every step and slowly allows them to realise that running isn’t all about pain. It’s also about fun, relaxation and happiness. If you still need convincing why not start with Laura’s ten reasons to start running.

Image credit: lazygirlrunning.com

Father Fitness - From first-time father to regaining his fitness

Father Fitness“Father Fitness is my own personal fitness journey from becoming a first-time Father, to regaining my fitness.”

As the beer and kebabs of his twenties sat heavy on his middle Paul Stainthorpe wanted a change. He remembered the sport of his youth and knew he wanted to get back there. A dad of two, Paul is a normal guy doing his best to keep fit.

Father Fitness shows you that it can be done and this is enhanced by lots of great things that he’s learnt as a dad along the way. Fitness and family can go hand in hand. To do it you need determination and a little bit of creativity. Paul has got the t-shirt and now he’s ready to walk you through it.

Image credit: fatherfitness.co.uk

Hannah and Fitness - Push to your limits and do what you love

Hannah and Fitness“A healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be boring, nor a chore. Find something that gives you passion and determination in life and stick with it. Love what you do and do what you love.”

Health and Fitness have revolutionised Hannah’s life. She has left behind weekends of clubbing, bad food choices and lack of exercise. She now approaches life with relentless motivation and has never felt better.

Hannah & Fitness is the struggle and the real challenges that are faced when making you and your health a priority. Hannah shares all that she has learnt with you and supports you on your journey. She knows it’s going to be tough, you know it’s going to tough but together you can find your motivation.

Image credit: hannahandfitness.com

Simply Cantara - Mindset, self-care and fitness

Simply Cantara“This is just me, simply Cantara, striving to live my best life and I’m taking you along for the ride with me.”

Cantara began her blog as a tool to keep her on track as she lost weight. She kept her blog from her friends and family and hid behind a made-up name. Following a diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome her blog caught up with her life and she began to share her journey publicly.

Fitness tips, life tips, food tips, wedding tips and even front row seats to her own big day. This may be simply Cantara but it’s also a fully comprehensive example and guide for us all. She strives to live life to its fullest and gives us the hacks to improve ours.

Image credit: simplycantara.com

The best health blogs we've found

Now you’ve seen the best health and fitness bloggers that the UK has to offer you can find the inspiration and guidance to begin your journey. You don’t need to be an athlete, you just need to give yourself the opportunities for a healthy life. Get inspired to keep moving and stay fit.

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Best UK Health Blogs sport

for the Ageless Team
for the Ageless Team


A mighty team of natural health researchers led by Daniel Perez Vidal. We follow strict selection criteria and test everything we retail, from ground-breaking food supplements to natural skincare products. Our main area of expertise is CBD.

1 Response


May 28, 2020

Thank you so much for including me in this round up! These are great bloggers so I’m honoured!

Cantara | SimplyCantara.com

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